How To Choose A Massage Table

The massage table is one of the wellness centers icon.

It is the fundamental tool for all masseurs and therapists, so before buying one, it is important to know a few things.

Making the right purchase, in this case, is not easy because there are several aspects to consider.

In principle, it is essential to combine aesthetics and practice.

You must be able to satisfy, on the one hand, the needs of professionals in the beauty and wellness sector and, on the other hand, the aesthetic needs of customers.

The professional massage table must be user-friendly, beautiful to look at and comfortable for the client.

So, here is all you need to consider before purchasing a professional massage table.

Electric or manual multifunctional table

The difference obviously lies in weight and quality. The electrically adjustable multifunctional tables are certainly heavier but ensure a definitely higher quality standard than the manual ones.

The choice, in this case, depends only on your personal needs but, if you are furnishing a wellness center, then the choice is quite obvious: the multifunctional fixed beds are definitely for you because they can also be a piece of furniture that contributes to enhancing the refined and minimalist design of the environment.

At this point, it is good to remember one thing. The massage table must necessarily have some essential characteristics. It must:

  • be comfortable for both customer and professional
  • be easy to use and clean
  • optimize the workspace
  • have an elegant and functional design
  • be built with quality materials in order to have a maximum duration and a low level of wear
  • be certified
  • be under warranty and after sales assistance

These are the cardinal points guiding your choice, if you do not keep this in mind, you risk making a purchase that doesn’t satisfy you 100%.

How to choose the size

The table must fit fully into the available space. Calculate well the size of the environment in which you want to place it and also consider the workspace in which the therapist will move during the execution of treatments / massages.



Generally, the tables are minimum 180cm long and maximum 195cm long. If the patient is excessively tall, you can take advantage of the adjustable headrest. Length is a very important factor not only for client’s comfort but also for the therapist. In fact, a table unsuitable for the therapist may cause physical problems over time, due to the incorrect posture during treatments. This is something you must try to avoid as far as possible by evaluating properly the length of the massage table.


Generally, the standard sizes of a professional massage table for beauty centers and spas are around 75/80 cm wide. It is clear that the wider the table, the greater the comfort for the customer. However, always remember the space available: do not choose a table that is too wide if the cabin has limited room.  Change the cabin, or change the model of the massage table. Always keep in mind that a large and tidy space conveys a sense cleanliness and serenity to the customer undergoing the treatment.


This feature varies according to personal taste, ergonomics and the kind of massages that will be performed. Usually the height can be adjusted manually or through an electrical adjustment system. Anyway, the standard sizes are between 60 and 86 centimeters.

Another important thing, thanks to the electrically adjustable height the table is more stable, it is therefore much more comfortable for the customer and for the professional as well. This prevents the therapist from having pain due to the incorrect posture as he/she can adjust the table in a way that it is comfortable for him/her.

How to choose the materials

Wood, metal or aluminum? The choice of materials for the base of the tables is mainly dictated by an aesthetic and furnishing issue, it goes without saying that the bed designed with a certain material must guarantee safety, stability and ease of use.

As for the padding and the upholstery fabric, thickness is an important factor for the customer’s level of comfort.

The most used material is eco-leather as it is long-lasting and easy to sanitize after each use. It is also a non-breathable material, therefore suitable for the use of materials such as creams or oils.

The material used to cover the massage table must be absolutely fireproof, antibacterial and antifungal for hygienic-sanitary reasons.

Which accessories to choose

For a professional massage table, the choice of accessories is a complete discretion of the masseur. However, the choice must also be influenced by the type of treatment and the type of customers that is expected from the bed.

Some accessories are real must have. Here are  some of the bestselling and most popular accessories in wellness centers:

  • protect your investment, therefore always buy a mattress cover with a polyurethane part (i.e. with a plastic interior) protecting the mattress and keeping it as new for life.
  • removable headrests: they are useful for neck and cervical massage. In beds, the headrest is usually integrated into the whole structure. The basic principle is that head, back, arms and legs must be completely relaxed. The body must lean on without sprains or contractures. For this reason, it is more advisable that the backrest can always be raised.
  • heated mattress: this is a fundamental peculiarity for those treatments that require thermal comfort. (However, it is recommended to opt for this choice as in most treatments the customer is undressed)
  • aromatherapy: for convenience we offer it already integrated in the bed, aromatherapy offers greater relaxation and greater sensorial interaction of the client. It also allows you to customize the experience even more by choosing the desired fragrance.
  • sound kit: A bluetooth audio diffusion system also already integrated in the spa bed. As for aroma therapy, it improves the personalization of the treatment and the interaction with the client.
  • LED system for chromotherapy: the benefit that comes from the influence of colored lights is now an indispensable prerogative. Chromotherapy is now widespread in beauty salons and spas around the world.
  • water mattress: the undulating and relaxing movement of the water enhances the benefits of body massage.